Sunday, May 15, 2011

6 'New' Gaming Innovations That Are Way Older Than You Think |

The Pantomation predates the Kinect by, oh, about 34 YEARS.  Unbelievable that while Pong was picking up speed at home you had a fully-functional motion tracking system available.  Just goes to prove that society needs to catch up to ideas before they catch on.

128 sequential positions are captured!  Chromakey analysis! Vector animation!

This is basically the same principle used by the Nintendo Wii or even the PlayStation Move -- only, you know, 30 years before. In other words, a few years after freaking color television became the norm, and someone invented a goddamn seventh-generation console. People were playing with this thing before they even knew what Space Invaders was.

6 'New' Gaming Innovations That Are Way Older Than You Think |

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