Friday, February 4, 2011

HTML5 and jQuery - how to record audio

jQuery is a javascript library that makes programming javascript fun. Did I say that out loud? I hate javascript.

jQuery can't record your voice though.
+1 for "jQuery is good, but it's not that good!" – Robin Day Aug 26 '09 at 11:08
@Robin, I heard jQuery will solve the global financial crisis too ;) –
Ash Aug 26 '09 at 11:24
@Ash I think thats a job for Prototype not jQuery :-) –
AutomatedTester Aug 26 '09 at 11:55

Using jQuery in your web apps is pretty simple. You can also increase your performance by using the hosted Google version of the library.

Microsoft provides a similar service for its Ajax library. I don't like Ajax much either.

Cloud computing anyone? Is MS the trend leader or Google? Since I'm a PC with a SQL background, I was able to understand the answer below.


By casting a wide net with the regex and logging any script reference that contained the word “jQuery”, I was able to construct ad-hoc queries to answer a variety of questions. For example, how many top 200,000 sites use the Google CDN to host jQuery UI for them?
SELECT count(*)
FROM Results
WHERE Reference LIKE '%googleapis%jquery-ui.min.js'

Answer: 989

Want to know how many top 1,000 sites use the Microsoft CDN for any jQuery-related script?
FROM Results
WHERE Reference LIKE ''
AND Rank <= 1000

Answer: 1 (

So is Microsoft piggy-backing on other people's technology ideas? Naaaaa. :)

Did Apple steal the mouse? Naaaa...,_Apple_and_Progress.txt

Did Sony turn down the Kinect? Naaa...

Apparently cost was a factor for Sony so they stopped "researching" it.


“We are enthusiastic about the consumer response to our holiday lineup of products, including the launch of Kinect. The 8 million units of Kinect sensors sold in just 60 days far exceeded our expectations,” said Peter Klein, chief financial officer at Microsoft.

jQuery can't record your voice, but it can talk.

Windows 7 can record your voice, and even has a handsfree mode built in.

Some interesting Kinect hacks are going to come out of this...

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