Monday, January 31, 2011


Skeleton Tracking with FAAST

CodeLabs CL NUI Driver

The CL NIU driver adds compatibility for Kinect Audio and some additional samples. It can be installed by updating existing drivers.

Round 1 - installing the drivers

Installed cygwin to setup GIT (source control tool)
Run at a command prompt:

C:\> git clone sourceurl.GIT

Pasting in the urls for the various Kinect unstable releases. (OpenNI, Nite, etc.)

Install the binaries in order of last couple blog posts.
Copy the xml files to the proper samples directories.


Hand-held Kinect camera


Description: The Kinect is used to generate a colored 3D model of an object or a complete room.

I just need to find a glove that fits the Kinect.

DIY motion capture system

From the developers at comes OSCeleton, a DIY motion capture system without all those klunky stick-on sensors.

Announcing the winners of the Kinect contest

Google engineer gives out $7000 in prizes for the top Kinect-hacking apps.

Kinect and WPF: Getting the raw and depth image using OpenNI

Upgrading the previous demos to .NET 4.0 and WPF from 2.0

How-to: Successfully install Kinect on Windows

Getting started with my new Kinect and the PC.

Some observations about the interfaces of the XBox games I've tried so far:
1. Slight delay when viewing the white "ghost" on the screen and with gestures.
2. Some buttons use a "mouse over and wait" timer to activate rather than a hand grab.
3. Multi-gesture movements using hands and feet are common.
4. Holding arm positions for a couple seconds signify things such as options menus.

Looking to translate this to an effective gesture and multi-touch interface for the PC, rather than just mapping keystrokes.